About us

Our mission is to be the best finance team in the world.

Accuracy to the penny. Realtime data. Useful insights.
A true partner to executive leadership.


Our Values

Speed is How We Win

Lead with Data

Protect the Downside Risk

Ask For What You Want

Become 2% Better Every Day

Debate Fiercely, Commit 100%

Be Excellent. "Good Enough" Has No Place Here

Cultivate the Highest Possible Quality Character

No Bullshit

Seek Leverage

Treat Everyone with Respect

Pain Leads to Growth. Embrace It.

Take Ownership,
No Excuses or Blame

Failure Is Not An Option


Play Nice,
But Win

Our Story

The Origins of Orchestration

The story of our founder, Orchestration, and our greater mission to accelerate the shift to remote work.

Meet Andrew

Orchestration was originally founded to accelerate the shift to remote work, and unlock 100's of billions of dollars in transformational value. Along the way, Andrew realized the best lever to effect this change is the finance function, and thus Orchestration as we know it today, was born.

Having launched 4 startups (2 exits), and advised over 100 executive teams on growth strategy, Andrew has worked with companies of all sizes from day one startups to multinational publicly listed enterprises with thousands of employees.

5 Closed M&A Deals
100+ Clients
Operator Experience
Investor Mindset

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